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Link to my best work in Language Arts: Your Phone Could Ruin Your Life


          This project shows my ability to be creative and be decriptive at the same time. This project was about reading an article about why phones can be a big harm to your every day life. It could even lead to some very life-threatening situations. We were required to make a presentation to review these distractions caused by your phone, and then give ways to do other activities that don't have to do with your phone.


          This piece of work shows my ability to be creative by adding a good amount of color, visuals, and text to keep the reader/viewer engaged. This piece of work shows my ability to be descriptive by adding multiple ways that phones can be distracting, even ways that weren't mentioned in the article (Unfortunately, I do not have a link to the article). I was also descriptive in the ways that you could do activities that don't have to do with your phone. I provided what activities to do, and how to do them.



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