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    To be an adventure student means to have more privileges than other schools. We get to do experiments and activities, not just reading textbooks. We get to learn from hands-on experiences and using technology. Now, ONWAAAARRRRD, this is a five paragraph essay after all.


    For experiments, we sometimes have a worksheet and we have to go around and observe the experiment and write down what we observed. One day, we had to go around the classroom and find out how warm water and cold water mix, how salt water and fresh water mix and much more fun activities to help us learn about water during our water unit. Like I said these are fun activities that help us learn.


    For projects, we usually have to use computers and technology for our project. For all our projects this year, we have used computers for them. I personally have had fun when I use the computers for projects because I love working with technology and I also like having a convenient and easy way to communicate with the people in my group. I also like showing my completed product to the classroom.


    For activities, we do them inside the classroom or outside, but either way, we still learn what we need to learn from them. One time, we went outside to learn about a graph of data in our project, and I got the info I needed and wrote down the info on the graph that the teacher provided us with. I ended up with the correct info thanks to the activity.


    In conclusion being an adventure student means we have more privileges than others. We get to use technology, do activities, do experiments and much more. Even though we are doing these fun activities, we still learn from them and have to do some worksheets in between. So yeah, that's what its like being an adventure student.  



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